When defining the main characteristic of this book for the purpose of this prologue, I did not hesitate for an instant: Seduction Simplified making the difficult easy. In order to put across his ideas, Germán employs plain language and a didactic tone, always followed by his own personal experience, completing thus the praxis that goes with his theory of seduction. I believe it is impossible to read this book and find his experience inconsequential for your life; the concepts he presents are so simple, so true, so wholesome, that you will carry them with you for a long time.
As far as Germán is concerned, he was definitely the man for this job. He is one of the pioneers in the scientific study of seduction in Argentina. He is also one of the most experienced coaches in Latin America, perhaps the most experienced. I have witnessed how hundreds of men that attended LevantArt were coached by Germán to improve their nightclub skills, and they thanked him heatedly for his tips, his dedication and his shared wisdom. But above all, I would like to highlight that Germán is not just a theorist of seduction, a writer consecrated to that field or, as they say in the seduction community, a keyboardjockey; he is one of the experts that has most put into practice all the theories and techniques that circulate in the world of seduction. I have witnessed it, I have seen him dozens of times, trying out all kinds of things, not rejecting or adopting any theory before testing it himself. And so he progressed, on a trial-and-error basis, and developed what he now shares with us in this book.
I could never reveal any confidences or details of the author’s private life. In the field of seduction we believe that discretion is a virtue, and in this book Germán shares the parts of his life he deems relevant. What I can talk to you about is my own personal experience of being coached by Germán: he was my one and only seduction coach.
It happened three or four summers back. We were in Mar del Plata, in one of the trips we organized for a group of students of seduction. It was our last night there, and I have to be honest, though I was single, I couldn’t bear to think about women any more. It’s not that I didn´t want to meet anyone that night, I did. I just couldn’t bring myself to it, my energy was low, and I was psychologically exhausted. I wanted to go back to Buenos Aires and take a rest after so many days of partying. That was when I thought: “It’s so unfair, I’ve been coaching men on seduction for years, and nobody has ever coached me. I had to learn everything on my own.” Fortunately, Germán was there, providing guidance to some of the students of the academy. I asked him straight to the point: “Germán, tonight I want you to tell me what to do, step by step. I don’t want to do the thinking, but I’d like to get to know that woman…” and I pointed to him the one I thought was the prettiest around us. As I said before, I consider discretion a virtue, so I won’t go into detail; I’ll only say I followed his directions step by step, and nothing ever came to me so easily. The following morning, had I been given stone, a chisel and a hammer, I would have erected a monument in honour of Germán in Playa Grande. And that was the day I fully realized how important such help in this area can be for some people.
As you will have the pleasure of discovering in Seduction Simplified, there are no magic formulas, unless you consider leading a happy lifestyle, communicating effectively and having courage to face new challenges to be magic. Maximizing your lifestyle, developing social skills and growing in courage are the basic foundations of this work. Every man who wishes to improve his social and amorous relationships will appreciate this book.
To close by circling back to the beginning, this book uncomplicates the complicated. This doesn´t mean that it is easy to modify harmful behavioural patterns, some of which we have been dragging for years on end. What is unquestionable is that we can all become better people, and Seduction Simplified could be the first step towards that change. What the final destination is depends on you.
Thank you, Germán, for keeping us grounded with your work; it is my honour to provide words for the occasion.
Martín Rieznik, Buenos Aires, May 20th, 2014
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